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Contact numbers:

dc-Link (Alstom DC Plan)
Phone - 01733 353430
(9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri)
Email -

Aon Hewitt (Alstom's adviser)
Phone - 0845 070 1582
(9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri)
Email - alstom.helpline@aonhewitt.com

BlackRock (Section 32 Policy)
Phone - 0845 601 7720
(9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri)
Email - uk.ops@blackrock.com

Phone - 0800 260 0386
(9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri)
Email - alstom@aviva.co.uk

Information for members of the Alstom Defined Contribution Plan


Information for members of the Alstom Defined Contribution (DC) Plan (please scroll down)

Update as at December 2012 - All members of the DC Plan have now had the appropriate option (as outlined in the member communications below) applied to their Plan benefits. The bulk transfers to the ALSTOM Ltd GPP with Aviva, and to the Section 32 Policy with BlackRock were processed in November, and transfer confirmation letters were sent to members during November/December. All other member options have been processed, therefore no members have any pension liability remaining in the Plan. The Trustee is now in the final stages of winding up the Plan.
(27 Dec 2012)

Your Pension Options - Announcement to Members Active in the ALSTOM Ltd GPP On 1 August 2012, an announcement was sent by dc-Link to active members of the ALSTOM Ltd Group Personal Pension (GPP) Plan who also have benefits in the Alstom DC Plan.
This announcement contains full details of the options available to members in respect of their Alstom DC Plan benefits, including a guide explaining the decisions that members need to make and the deadline for each decision, and a statement of their Individual Account.
The deadline for members to submit decisions (28 September 2012) has now passed.
- Click here to view the 'Your Pension Options (Active Members)' guide in the announcement.
- Click here to view 'Frequently Asked Questions' (updated September 2012), which should be read in conjunction with the guide.
- Click here to view information on the investment options available in the Section 32 Policy with BlackRock.

Your Pension Options - Announcement to Leavers with benefits in Alstom DC Plan On 1 August 2012, an announcement was sent by dc-Link to members who have left, and have benefits in, the Alstom Defined Contribution (DC) Plan. This announcement contains full details of the options available to members in respect of their Alstom DC Plan benefits, including a guide explaining the decisions that members need to make and the deadline for each decision, and a statement of their Individual Account.
The deadline for members to submit decisions (28 September 2012) has now passed.
- Click here to view the 'Your Pension Options (Leavers)' guide in the announcement.
- Click here to view information on the investment options available in the Section 32 Policy with BlackRock.

Please click here to view information issued previously to members of the Alstom DC Plan regarding the introduction of the ALSTOM Ltd GPP

Please click here to return to the Pensions Website home page

This page updated on 27 December 2012