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Alstom Pension Scheme - People

Alstom Pension Scheme - People

Many people are involved in the Alstom Pension Scheme. The Trustee is responsible for administering the scheme and paying out benefits in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules.
The Trustee, as required by law, appoints Professional Advisers to provide detailed technical and legal advice to help it carry out its duties. The Trustee delegates the day-to-day administration work to JLT Employee Benefits.

The Alstom UK Pensions Department is a small team based at the Rugby site, which is able to liaise with JLT Employee Benefits if any problems are experienced by Scheme Members.

Page updated 24 February 2015

Click on a link to find out more about
JLT Employee Benefits.
Alstom UK Pensions Team.
Professional Advisers.
Scheme Members.