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Alstom Pension Scheme - 2006 Defined Benefit Section
Getting the right balance

Getting the right balance
Welcome to the Alstom Pension Scheme.

The company has set up the Alstom Pension Scheme to provide you with an income when you retire. But there's much more to membership than just a pension.

Please click on your scheme guides below for information on your benefits and your contributions:
2006 Defined Benefit section (pdf) Definition of Contributory Earnings (pdf)

If you are a contributing member of the 2006 Section and you're looking for a form, click here.

This section is only available to employees who were already members of the following sectons of the scheme:

  • Main (ex-GEC Plan) section
  • ex-ABB section
  • ex-Cegelec section
  • ex-Babcock section

    It is closed to new joiners.

  • Something to think about

  • Saving extra
    As a member of the Alstom Pension Scheme, you know you are building up a range of valuable benefits. An important section in the scheme gives you the opportunity to add to your retirement savings.

  • Review your savings decision regularly
    Make sure you are saving enough for the lifestyle you have in mind when you stop work.

  • Salary Sacrifice for Pension Contributions
    Click here for further information.

  • Are you affected by the Annual Allowance?
    On 6 April 2014 the Annual Allowance for tax relief on pensions savings into a registered pension scheme is being reduced again, from £50,000 to £40,000. HMRC has released an online tool so that pension scheme members can check whether they may be affected by an Annual Allowance charge and have to complete a tax return. Click here for details and to access the tool.