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Alstom Pension Scheme (2006 DB Section) - Saving Extra
Making the most of your opportunities

Saving Extra - 2006 DB Section

When it comes to planning for the future, everybody's circumstances are different. Think about what savings you have, how much you can afford to set aside, and what type of benefits you want when you retire.

Switching between the benefit tiers

You have the option to switch your benefit tier on 6 April each year. Each year, around January, JLT Employee Benefits will write to all active members giving them the option to switch their benefit tier with effect from 6 April. If you switch tier, you must remain in your chosen tier until the following 5 April.

Extra contributions (AVCs)

You can choose to build up extra benefits by making Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) on top of your normal Scheme contributions. Paying AVCs can be a straightforward, tax-efficient and cost-effective way to increase your Scheme benefits. Click here for further information on AVCs.

Something to think about

  • Contact an independent financial adviser if you want advice on your saving and investment options.

  • Review your savings decisions regularly. Make sure you are saving enough for the lifestyle you have in mind when you retire.

    What parts of my pay are contributions paid on?
  • Click here to see which elements of pay are pensionable, and which are non-pensionable.

    This page updated 23 January 2012