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Alstom Pension Scheme (2006 DB Section) - AVCs
Making the most of your opportunities

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)
The Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) Scheme is for members of the Alstom Pension Scheme who want a higher level of benefits.

You choose the level of AVCs you want to pay and how you want your AVCs to be invested. Over time, the aim is that you build up the amount of money in your AVC account. When you retire, you can use the money that has built up in your AVC account to buy extra benefits.

The Trustee sets a maximum limit for the AVCs you can pay in any tax year. Currently, this maximum limit is set as the lower of 25% of your Pensionable Earnings, or £25,000. Pensionable Earnings are basic earnings and fixed pensionable allowances. This maximum is in addition to the normal contributions paid to the Alstom Pension Scheme.

In more detail

Please read the AVC Booklet and Investment Guide for further information, including how you can start paying AVCs, change the level of your AVCs or switch how your AVCs are invested.

To start paying contributions to the AVC Scheme, or to amend your AVCs, or to change the way in which your existing AVC funds are invested please complete the AVC Form (APS14) .

  • Keeping track of your investments
    JLT Employee Benefits will send you a personalised statement once a year. Also, the AVC fund information sheets show how your funds are performing.

    The AVC Scheme is part of the Alstom Pension Scheme and the AVC funds are held in the name of ALSTOM Pension Trust Limited (the Trustee). The provider of the AVC Scheme is Friends Life

    This page updated 26 October 2015