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Alstom Pension Scheme - Your Deferred Pension
Deferred Pensions
How to find what you are looking for:
Either select the section you are interested in:
Final Salary pre 2006 For members of Main(ex-GEC), ex-ABB, ex-Babcock, ex-Cegelec, Electric section (Manweb, Norweb, Scottish Power or United Utilities) with benefits up to 5th April 2006 or date of leaving if earlier.
Final Salary 2006 For members of Main(ex-GEC), ex-ABB, ex-Babcock, ex-Cegelec, Electric section (Manweb, Norweb, Scottish Power or United Utilities) with benefits after 5th April 2006
Retirement Capital Plan
  or Additional Savings Plan
For former members of the Retirement Capital Plan or Additional Savings Plan with benefits up to 5th April 2006 or date of leaving if earlier.
or use the date you joined the scheme and which part of your benefits you wish to check:

If you joined the Alstom Pension Scheme on or before 30 September 2002 If you joined the Alstom Pension Scheme between 1st October 2002 and 5th April 2006
  • Payments and Transfers
  • Benefits up to 05 April 2006
    Benefits since 06 April 2006
    Benefits up to 05 April 2006
  • Scheme Guides
  • Benefits up to 05 April 2006
    Benefits since 06 April 2006
    Benefits up to 05 April 2006
  • Contact Information
  • Benefits up to 05 April 2006,
    Contact JLT Employee Benefits
    Benefits since 06 April 2006, Contact JLT Employee Benefits
    Benefits up to 05 April 2006,
    Contact JLT Employee Benefits