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Alstom Pension Scheme

For the latest information - visit the News section.

Last update -
Latest issue of Dimension newsletter sent out to all Scheme members
Updated 26 October 2016

Click here to view the Early Retirement Factors

This site provides a number of booklets and forms that require the free 'Adobe Acrobat reader' software to view them. These are identified with (pdf) at the end of the link.

Alstom Pension Scheme

This pensions website contains a lot of useful information about the Alstom Pension Scheme. Please use the menu on the left hand side to help you find the information you require. You can also use the Website Map which gives a breakdown of all of the pages on this website.

The Alstom Pension Scheme is administered by JLT Employee Benefits - please click here for contact details.

The Trust Deed and Rules of the Alstom Pension Scheme sets out your rights to benefits. If there is any conflict between the information given on this website and the Trust Deed and Rules, the Trust Deed and Rules will prevail.

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