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Alstom Pension Scheme - Deferred - Forms
Deferred Pensions


Need a form?
Here are all the forms you may need as a deferred pensioner. This section of the website only applies to members who joined on or before 5th April 2006. This section of the Alstom Pension Scheme is now closed. This means that no one else can join.

Click on the links below to find the forms for the section you are interested in. Just print out the form you need by clicking on the relevant icon. Then fill it in and return it as instructed.

Please make sure you have read the relevant information about the Alstom Pension Scheme before you make your decisions.

What do you want to do?
Sort out payment of your death benefits?
Keep us up to date?
Find out about your benefits?
Transfer your benefits to another pension scheme?

Sort out payment of your death benefits?
Please fill in an Expression of wish form. The trustees take into account the information on your 'expression of wish' form when they decide who receives any cash sum that is payable when you die. You should always fill in a new form if your personal circumstances change (for example if you get married).

Expression of Wish (All Sections) - form APS02(pdf)
If you are one of the following types of member you should not use this Expression of Wish form, but use a Notice of direction instead:
• a member of the Norweb section who joined before 1st Sept 1986,
Norweb Notice of Direction (pdf)
• a member of the Manweb section who joined before 1st Sept 1986,
Manweb Notice of Direction (pdf)
• a member of the Scottish Power section who joined before 1st Jan 1990.
Scottish Power Notice of Direction (pdf)

Keep us up to date?
If your personal details change (you move, or change name or marital status, for example), please let us know in writing, quoting your National Insurance number.

You might also need to update the information you have given in your Expression of Wish.

Find out about your benefits?
If you want an estimate of your benefits, let us know by filling in a Retirement Estimate Request form (APS8). Remember, we send out annual benefit statements for the Main Section which may provide the details you need.

When you approach retirement, we will outline your options and ask you to decide. We will send you all the forms you need.

Transfer your benefits to another pension scheme?
If you have left Alstom, you can ask the trustees to transfer the cash equivalent of your deferred pension to the scheme of your new employer, or a personal pension arrangement. This option is available up to your 64th birthday.

The transfer value will be equivalent in value to the benefits which would otherwise be payable from the Alstom Pension Scheme. It must be calculated in accordance with certain statutory methods and principles.

The transfer value will vary from time to time. You can ask JLT Employee Benefits to work out your transfer value once a year by simply writing to us and asking us for a Transfer Quote, no special form is needed. Remember, we send out annual benefit statements for the Main Section which may provide the details you need. The transfer value will be guaranteed for a period of three months from the date on which we work it out.

You can transfer your benefits at any time, even if it is several years since you left the scheme.