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Alstom Pension Scheme (2006 Section) - Information & Advice
Getting the right balance


Where to go for information and advice
The bottom line is that it is your future and it is up to you how you plan for it. By law, the trustees, JLT Employee Benefits and Alstom UK Pensions cannot tell you where and how to invest, but we can provide information and pointers to help you make your decisions.

The list below gives details of some useful contacts and places to go for more information and advice.

Please note that the external organisations we list and the sites we link to are not connected in any way to the Alstom Pension Scheme.

For information
Check your scheme guide to make sure you are making the most of the opportunities available through the scheme. If you have any questions, contact JLT Employee Benefits.

There are lots of websites that give information on saving and investing. Some popular sites include:


For advice
  • Independent financial advisers
  • Remember, you're planning for your future. Make sure you make the right decisions for your circumstances. If you're not sure about anything or if you want some advice, you should speak to an authorised independent financial adviser (IFA). IFA Promotions can help you find an IFA in your area. You should be aware that you may have to pay fees or commission.
    IFA Promotions - www.unbiased.co.uk or phone 0117 971 1177