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Alstom Pension Scheme - Retirement Income
Getting the right balance


What will you live on when you retire?
Your retirement income is likely to come from a number of different sources. We give a few examples below. Spend a few minutes working out where your retirement income is likely to come from and how much it is likely to be. When you have added all these together, think about whether it will be enough for you to live on. If it is not, you should start thinking now about ways you can increase it.

Your Alstom pension
The information in your Scheme guide tells you how we work out your pension. JLT Employee Benefits also sends you a personalised benefit statement once a year. This shows how your scheme benefits are building up.

Add your State pension
You will receive your State pension when you reach State pension age. So, if you hope to retire early, remember that you will have to wait a few years before you get anything from the State. To find out what your State pension might be, fill in the 'State pension forecast' form (BR19). If you call the Retirement Pension and Forecasting Team on 0845 3000 168, they will fill in the form for you over the phone. The form is also on the Government's Pension Service website.

Add any pensions you might have built up with previous employers
If you lose contact with company pension schemes that you have built up benefits in, you may not be able to claim your pension benefits when you retire. If you need help getting in touch with previous schemes, please get in touch with the Pension Service and ask for a 'tracing request' form. You can also fill in the form online at The Pension Tracing Service

Alternatively, you can get the form by phoning the Pension Schemes Registry on 0845 6002 537 or writing to them at Pension Tracing Service, The Pension Service, Tyneview Park, Whitley Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1BA

Add any other personal savings
Do you have much in the way of savings? Do you have any long-term savings that will mature when you reach retirement? Are you likely to take out any more savings plans between now and then?


  • By law, the trustees, JLT Employee Benefits and Alstom UK Pensions can provide information but cannot tell you where and how to invest. If you feel you need advice about this, you should speak to an authorised independent financial adviser (IFA). You should also be aware that IFAs might charge fees or commission.

  • The external organisations we list and the websites we link to are not connected in any way to the Alstom Pension Scheme.