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Increasing Benefits - Alstom Pension Scheme - 2006 Section
Getting the right balance


Increase your benefits
If your retirement income is likely to fall short of what you think you will need to live on, there are a number of ways you can increase it. Here are some examples.

Let your Alstom pension build up over a longer period of time
If you planned to retire early, you could consider working for longer. This way, you are likely to receive a bigger Alstom pension. Click here to find your scheme booklet which shows how we work out your pension.

You could save extra in the Alstom Pension Scheme
The scheme provides a straightforward, flexible and tax-efficient way to help you increase your retirement savings. If you want to know more, this is the Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme.

You can save and invest
There are many ways of putting aside some money for the future. In addition to the opportunities available to you in the Alstom Pension Scheme, there are individual saving accounts, investment trusts, bonds, national savings certificates, and deposit accounts with banks and building societies. From 6 April 2006 it is possible to contribute to a company pension scheme or a stakeholder or personal pension at the same time. You may also consider contributing to the Alstom Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme.

With so much choice, it's important that you identify the saving and investment option that's right for you. There are also lots of websites that give information on saving and investing.


  • By law, the trustees, JLT Employee Benefits and Alstom UK Pensions can provide information but cannot tell you where and how to invest. If you feel you need advice about this, you should speak to an authorised independent financial adviser (IFA). You should also be aware that IFAs might charge fees or commission.

  • The external organisations we list and the websites we link to are not connected in any way to the Alstom Pension Scheme.