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Alstom Pension Scheme
The Trustees' Professional Advisers

Pension Administrators
JLT Employee Benefits

Scheme Actuary
Brian Nimmo, Hymans Robertson LLP

Investment Consultant and Adviser
Lane Clark & Peacock LLP

Scheme Auditor
Grant Thornton UK LLP

Baker & McKenzie LLP - Scheme Lawyer
Pinsent Masons LLP - Property

HSBC Bank plc
National Westminster Bank plc

Medical Adviser
Capita Health Solutions

Custodian for Investments
State Street Bank & Trust Company

Investment Managers
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited
M&G Investment Management Limited
C B Richard Ellis Investors Limited
Wellington Management International Limited

Covenant Adviser


The trustee appoints experts to give help and advice in running the scheme. These include pension administrators, auditors, bankers, an actuary, solicitors and investment managers.