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Alstom Pension Scheme - Information about the Trustees

Alstom Pension Scheme Trustees
Company Appointed Trustee Directors
Ross Trustees represented by Steven Ross (Chair)
Yacine Hassouna
Stephen Burgin
Mark Steadman
Mark Deery

Member Nominated Trustee Directors (MND)
Richard E Dean
Don McKenzie (Pensioner)
Harvey Perkins (Pensioner)
Iain Rutherford

Investment Committee
The Investment Committee monitors the investments of the scheme and reports back to the full trustee board. It is made up of:
Steven Ross (Chair)
Richard E Dean
Don McKenzie
Bryan Radford (Secretary to Investment Committee)
Yacine Hassouna
Iain Rutherford
Harvey Perkins

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Benefits Committee
The Benefits Committee reviews death benefits and ill health cases as well as being involved in reviewing any complaints. It is made up of two trustees.

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A trustee company, ALSTOM Pension Trust Limited, manages the scheme. The trustees are the directors of the company. They are responsible for seeing that the scheme obeys the law and runs in your best interests.

There are nine trustees. The company nominates five and four are nominated by members of the Scheme.

The Investment Committee monitors the investments of the scheme and reports back to the full trustee board.

The Benefits Committee reviews death benefits and ill health cases as well as being involved in reviewing any complaints.

This page updated 1 May 2015