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Alstom UK Group Personal Pension (GPP) Plan


Alstom UK Group Personal Pension (GPP) - Hargreaves Lansdown Retirement Service

Hargreaves Lansdown has been appointed by Alstom to provide a specialist Retirement Service to help you get a competitive annuity at retirement. Hargreaves Lansdown is the largest annuity broker in the UK*.

Hargreaves Lansdown will help you shop around for the best deal when you set up your annuity at retirement, and they will do the paperwork for you. This retirement service is free for members who retire from active service. For members that wish to purchase an annuity at retirement, this service may prove very useful. Click here to access Hargreaves Lansdown’s website for more information. You are under no obligation to purchase an annuity from Hargreaves Lansdown, and whether or not an annuity is suitable for you will depend on your circumstances. Hargreaves Lansdown can also provide you with financial advice, but please note this would be at your own expense.

Update from Hargreaves Lansdown – Integrated Modelling Tool - Hargreaves Lansdown has launched an online retirement modelling tool that compares the income from annuities and drawdown, at a glance. It shows the main retirement options now and in light of new Budget proposals. Click here to access the tool and here to view information on annuities.

It is important to consider your retirement options in line with the Chancellor’s budget statement for 2014, which announced far reaching changes to the rules relating to pensions and retirement. Click here to view a summary of the Budget pension changes, and click here to see what the changes may mean to you.

Click here to view Hargreaves Lansdown's Annuity Guide, which shows how you can boost your income for life.

Click here to view Hargreaves Lansdown's latest Retirement Bulletin.

*Source – My Touchstone