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Looking Forward


Looking forward - On 30 January 2012, Alstom (the 'Company') announced details of some important changes it intends to make to the defined contribution pension arrangements it provides for current and future employees. This includes the Alstom Defined Contribution Plan and the Alstom Grid Group Personal Pension Plan.

In this area of the Pensions Website you can find copies of the announcement documents that the Company sent to all active members of these arrangements. You can also find the latest consultation updates. These have been posted up on noticeboards around the Company.

The consultation period closed on 30 April 2012. The Company has taken all appropriate feedback into consideration before finalising the new arrangements. The Company wrote to all affected members in May 2012 with details of its decision. Click on the relevant link below to view a copy of this letter, plus other important information for members.

Information for members - Please click on the links below to view further information:
  • Information for members of the Alstom Grid Group Personal Pension (GPP) Plan
  • Information for members of the Alstom Defined Contribution (DC) Plan

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    This page updated on 10 May 2012