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Alstom Defined Contribution Plan - Latest News
Click here to view a copy of previous Member Newsletters.

  • Processing of Member Options - Update as at December 2012
    All members of the DC Plan have now had the appropriate option (as outlined in the communications sent to members in August) applied to their Plan benefits. The bulk transfers to the ALSTOM Ltd GPP with Aviva, and to the Section 32 Policy with BlackRock were processed in November, and transfer confirmation letters were sent to members during November/December. All other member options have been processed, therefore no members have any pension liability remaining in the Plan. The Trustee is now in the final stages of winding up the Plan. (27 Dec 2012)

  • Update on Bulk Transfer to ALSTOM Ltd GPP
    For those members who elected to transfer their benefits from the Alstom Defined Contribution (DC) Plan with dc-Link to the ALSTOM Ltd GPP with Aviva, the transfer is due to take place on 20 November. dc-Link will issue confirmation letters shortly after this date. Aviva will issue confirmation of the transfer in by the end of November. If you have any questions, please contact Aviva on 0800 260 0386 or dc-Link on 01733 353430. (7 Nov 2012)

  • Important - Announcement issued to all DC Plan members
    On 1 August 2012 an announcement was sent to all Plan members regarding their benefits in the DC Plan.
    The deadline for members to submit decisions (28 September 2012) has now passed.
    Click here to view a copy of the announcement and for further information.
    (Aug 2012, updated Oct 2012)

  • DC Plan Report & Accounts 2012
    For details of the DC Plan's accounts at April 2012 please click here.
    (Jul 2012)

  • Appointment of Member-Nominated Directors
    Click here to see the notice of the appointment of Mike Atkin, Paul Naughton and Phil Derges as Member-Nominated Directors of the DC Plan from 1 July 2012.
    (Jun 2012)

  • Member Nominated Directors of the Plan
    A letter was sent to Plan members on 11 May regarding nominations for Member Nominated Directors of the Plan's Trustee Board. Click here to view a copy of the letter.
    (May 2012)

  • Newsletter sent to members - Win a £50 shopping voucher
    The latest edition of DC Matters, the newsletter for members of the Plan was issued in March 2012. Eligible Plan members can enter a competition to win a £50 shopping voucher - see page 10 of DC Matters for details. Click here to view an online copy of DC Matters.
    (Mar 2012)

  • Looking Forward
    On 30 January 2012, Alstom announced details of some important changes it intends to make to the defined contribution pension arrangements it provides for current and future employees. Please click here to read more.
    (Feb 2012)

  • Thank you for your feedback
    The deadline for submitting benefit statement feedback forms to enter the prize draw to win an iPad has passed. The winner is Rebecca Robertson, who works for West Coast Traincare in Manchester. Thank you to all those who submitted feedback forms - over 70 were received and the general consensus is that members welcomed the new format of their benefit statement. For those members who raised individual queries or comments, we will be looking at those in more detail.
    (Aug 2011)

  • DC Plan Report & Accounts
    For details of the DC Plan's accounts at April 2011 please click here.
    (Aug 2011)

  • Addendum to Plan's Member Booklet sent to active members
    An Addendum to the Plan's Member Booklet has been issued, to take into account the introduction of Salary Sacrifice for Pension Contributions from April 2011. A copy of the Addendum was sent to active members of the Plan in June 2011. Click here to view the Addendum to the Member Booklet, and click here to view the Member Booklet
    (Jun 2011)

  • Benefit Statements and Newsletter sent to members - Win an iPad
    The annual benefit statements were sent to members in June 2011, along with the latest edition of DC Matters, the newsletter for members of the Plan. To be entered into a competition to win an iPad, simply complete and return the feedback form enclosed, to let us know what you think of the benefit statement. Click here to view an online copy of DC Matters.
    (Jun 2011)

  • Notice of Result in the Election for Member-Nominated Director
    Votes cast by members in respect of the election of a Member-Nominated Director to the Alstom Defined Contribution Plan from April 2011 have now been counted. Click here to see the notice of the result.
    (Mar 2011)

  • Reminder for Active Members
    The closing date for submitting ballot forms in the election of the Member Nominated Director is 28 February 2011, so if you want your vote to count please send your form in by then. The letter which enclosed the ballot form and election details was issued to active members at the end of January.
    (Feb 2011)

  • Announcement regarding Early Retirement and Possible Annuity Rate Change
    A letter was sent in February 2011 to all active members of the Plan and those deferred members aged between 54 and 60, regarding changes to the Company consent on Early Retirement and detailing a forthcoming European Court ruling that may affect pension annuity rates in the future. Click here to view a copy of the letter sent to active members, or click here to view a copy of the letter sent to deferred members. A further update on the annuity rates will be provided once the Court ruling has been made.
    (Feb 2011)

  • Vacancy for a Member Nominated Director
    There is a vacancy on the Alstom DC Plan Trustee Board effective from 1 April 2011. Mike Atkin's three-year term of office ceases on 31 March 2011. A letter was sent out to active members of the Plan in December 2010 regarding the vacancy. Click here to view a copy of the letter.
    (Dec 2010)

  • DC Plan Report & Accounts
    For details of the DC Plan's accounts at April 2010 please click here.

  • Member Website Prize Draw - Winner!
    The prize draw for DC Plan members who had registered their account on the member website has been made - the lucky winner of a trip to see the Alstom Open de France golf tournament is Jamie Smith, who is based in Oxley. (Jun 2010)

  • DC Matters Newsletter
    The DC Matters newsletter was sent to members in June 2010. Click here to view an online copy. (Jun 2010)

  • Welcome to our New Trustee
    Cedric Olier has been appointed as a Company Nominated Director of the Alstom DC Plan with effect from 15 April 2010. For further details of the Trustee Board please refer to the Trustee section. (Apr 2010)

  • Change of Member Contribution Rate
    If you wish to change your rate of matched member contributions, effective from April 2010, you will need to complete a Contribution Change Form and return it to your local HR contact by 26 February 2010. A letter explaining the options available will be issued to active members by 29 January 2010. If you haven't received a letter by this date, please contact dc-Link (click here for contact details).
