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Alstom Pension Scheme - Deferred - Questions & Answers
Deferred Pensions


Your questions, our answers
Here are some of the questions that members often ask us. Click on them to read our answers.

I left the Alstom Pension Scheme a while ago but still work for the company. Is it possible for me to rejoin the scheme?

Why do I need to fill in an 'expression of wish' form?

As a deferred pensioner, what are my scheme benefits?

How do I sort out a problem?

How much State pension might I get when I retire?

I didn't join the Alstom Pension Scheme when I started work here, but I want to join now. What do I need to do?

I left the Alstom Pension Scheme a while ago but still work for the company. Is it possible for me to rejoin the scheme?
Please see the non-member pages for more details.

Why do I need to fill in an 'expression of wish' form?
The trustees take into account the information on your 'expression of wish' form when they decide who receives any cash sum that is payable when you die. As it is the trustees who decide who receives any cash sum, your beneficiaries will not normally have to pay tax on it. Also, the cash sum does not form part of your estate.

You should always fill in a new form if your personal circumstances change (for example if you get married).

If you need a new form, you can print off from the forms library.

As a deferred pensioner, what are my scheme benefits?
The guide to your Alstom pension will explain your benefits.

Go back to the Deferred home page and use the "Scheme Guides" section to find the definition of your benefits.

How do I sort out a problem?
If you have a question about the scheme, JLT Employee Benefits will normally be able to answer it. There is still a small team in the Alstom UK Pension Department in Rugby whom you can contact in case of any problems.

If you have a problem with the scheme that you think we have not sorted out for you, there is a formal two-stage procedure for sorting it out. You can get a copy of the full procedure from us.

The first stage is to write to the Secretary to the Trustee. You should provide as much information as you can, including your full name, address, date of birth and national insurance number. You should expect to receive a decision within two months.

If you are not happy with the Secretary to the Trustee's decision, the second stage is to ask the trustees to consider the matter. You must do this within six months of the decision. Once again, please send us all the relevant information about the matter, including why you are not happy with the decision. You should expect to receive a decision within two months.

There are also other organisations that can help you and your family with any questions or worries that you have about your pension arrangements.

TPAS (The Pensions Advisory Service) is available to help members and beneficiaries at any time with any questions. You can ask them to help if you have a problem with a pension scheme.

The Pensions Ombudsman can investigate and make a decision about any complaint or disagreement of fact or law about pension schemes.

The Pensions Regulator can help you if you think the trustee, employers or professional advisers have failed in their duties.

How much State pension might I get when I retire?
To find out what your State pension might be when you reach State pension age, fill in the 'State pension forecast' form (BR19). You can find the form on the Government's Pension Service website. Alternatively, phone the Retirement Pension and Forecasting Team on 0845 3000 168 and they will go through the form with you.

I didn't join the Alstom Pension Scheme when I started work here, but I want to join now. What do I need to do?
As a UK employee of Alstom, you may be eligible to join the ALSTOM Ltd Group Personal Pension (GPP) with Aviva.

Contact us
If you have any questions about the Alstom Pension Scheme, please contact JLT Employee Benefits. You can get in touch by post, e-mail, fax or phone.