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Alstom Pension Scheme - Your Pension

Payment issues

There is a guide to your Alstom pension (pdf) which contains important details about how your Alstom pension works, and the service that JLT Employee Benefits provides.

The guide shows how JLT Employee Benefits pays your pension and explains the information that appears on your payment advice (see page 6).

You will have to pay income tax on your pension if it is over your personal tax allowance. The guide shows you what you need to know about paying income tax (see page 10).

Something to think about

  • Your State Pension
    Remember that you will also receive a State Pension when you reach your State Pension Age (see page 12 of the guide).

  • Other State benefits
    Retiring can mean big changes in your income. Sometimes you may need social security benefits to give you and your family financial help.

  • Increases and Dates
    Look here to find all the latest payment dates and scheme increases.