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Alstom Pension Scheme - News Archive 2006
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  • Important changes to early retirement factors (April 2006)
    The information on early retirement factors at April 2006 is available here.

  • Valuation at 5 April 2006
    The results of the April 2006 valuation are shown here.

  • Early Retirement Announcements
    Early Retirement Announcement (Active Members). (Sep06)
    Early Retirement Announcement (Deferred Members). (Aug06)
    Age Discrimination Announcement (Alstom Pension Scheme). (Nov06)

  • New Scheme booklets for Current Employees
    Final Salary Section Booklet (pdf) for current members of the ex-GEC (main), ex-ABB, ex-Cegelec and ex-Babcock sections of the Alstom Pension Scheme {Jan06}

  • New UK Pensions Executive
    Bryan Radford was appointed as the UK Pensions Executive on 6 February 2006. He joins Alstom from the employee benefits consultancy world where he worked for 25 years as a consultant and as a scheme actuary. Bryan is a Fellow of both the Institute of Actuaries (England) and the Society of Actuaries (USA).
    Bryan represents the actuarial profession on its Pensions Board Standards & Practice Committee and is also on the joint committee with the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

  • New Dimensions Leaflet
    The December 2006 Dimensions leaflet has been sent out to all members of the Alstom Pension Scheme, and an electronic copy is available here

  • Service Credits
    An information pack has been sent out to all current members of the 2006 Section which provided further details about the service credit, including a personal illustration. This information pack was sent to members' home addresses on 2 February 2007. The deadline for returning the option form expired on 31 March 2007. All option forms were acknowledged and for those members who did not return an option form, the default option, which was a deferred pension has been granted. If you have not received an acknowledgement of your decision or of the default option awarded, please contact the pensions department.

    Questions and Answers on the service credit are available here and will be updated regularly.

  • Changes to Trustees
    Xavier Langlois d'Estaintot has replaced David Thomas as a Trustee. For further details of the Trustee Board refer to the people section

  • Valuation at 5 April 2003
    Alstom Ltd has committed to improve the Alstom pension Scheme's funding level, after the Scheme's regular valuation or 'health check' found it had a deficit of £406 million at 5 April 2003. And Alstom Holdings, Alstom Limited's French parent company, has guaranteed to stand behind this support for at least the next five years. Please read the full copy of 'Dimension' April 2004 (pdf)

    Click to go back to the news index.
