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Alstom Pension Scheme - News Archive 2008
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  • Pension Outsourcing to MNPA
    During the Trustee meeting on 8 July, the decision was made to outsource the administration of the Alstom Pension Scheme to MNPA with effect from 1 February 2009. In August 2008, all members were sent a letter explaining the reasons for this decision and how the handover to MNPA will work. For a copy of this letter, click here. For further FAQs, click here.

  • Pension Increases and Payment Dates for 2008
    As a pensioner or deferred pensioner in the Alstom Pension Scheme, you will know that your pension receives increases each year to help protect its value against rising prices. Please click here for details of this year’s pension increase and payment dates for pensions.

  • Funding Statement
    The Trustees are required by law to send you an annual funding statement detailing the Scheme’s financial health. The statement also includes details of the performance of the fund and the Scheme’s funding objective. Click here to view this statement. (June 2008)

  • Latest funding check - Alstom Pension Scheme
    Alstom will :

  • make additional payments into the Scheme with the aim of eliminating the Scheme's deficit ('shortfall') calculated on an accounting basis over the next 10 years, using a formula-based approach;
  • pay a contribution of £16,116,000 during 2007/2008; and
  • pay various costs associated with the Scheme, such as the costs of running the pensions department and the Pension Protection Fund levy.
    For further details, please read the December 2006 Dimensions leaflet.

    Click to go back to the news index.
