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Alstom Pension Scheme - News Archive 2009
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Alstom Pension Scheme News
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  • Annual Benefit Statements
    MNPA will send out the annual benefit statements to all active members of the Alstom Pension Scheme (and to those deferred members who have historically received them) by the end of November.
    {Nov 09}

  • Dimension Newsletter
    The next issue of the Scheme's Dimension newsletter will be sent out to all members after the Trustee has received the results of the Actuarial Valution of the Scheme in 2010.         {Nov 09}

  • New AVC Fund / Transfer from ABS
    The Trustee has introduced a new fund to the Scheme's AVC arrangement with Friends Provident, the Diversified Growth Fund. Click here to view a copy of the announcement sent to active Scheme members regarding the new AVC fund.
    Members who have funds still invested in the Additional Benefits Scheme (ABS) were given the opportunity to transfer their ABS fund into the existing Scheme AVC arrangement with Friends Provident. Click here to view a copy of the letter sent to members with funds in the ABS.         {Nov 09}

  • New AVC Booklet & Investment Guide
    The Booklet and Investment Guide for the Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) Scheme of the Alstom Pension Scheme have been updated. Click on the links to view the updated documents.  {Oct 09}

  • MNPA
    Reminder for members - the Alstom Pension Scheme is now administered by MNPA - please click here for contact details.

  • Changes to Trustees
    Stephen Burgin has replaced Xavier Langlois d'Estaintot as a Trustee of the Alstom Pension Scheme with effect from 1 April 2009. For further details of the Trustee Board please refer to the people section

  • Benefit Tier Change - April 2009
    The Alstom UK Pensions Department wrote to all active members in January 2009 with the option to change tier for the 2009/10 scheme year. If you wish to change tier you will be required to complete and submit a form to Human Resources by 27 February 2009. The tier change is explained in more detail in the January 2009 edition of the Dimension newsletter - click here to view a copy.

  • New Dimension
    The January 2009 issue of Dimension is now available. Click here to read.
