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Alstom Pension Scheme - News Archive 2007
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  • New Dimension
    The December 2007 issue of Dimension is now available. Click here to read.

  • Trustee Nominations
    Nominations were sought from contributory members to be appointed as Trustees to the Board of ALSTOM Pension Trust Ltd. Five applications were received and the candidates were interviewed by a selection panel consisting of the chairman of the Board of ALSTOM Pension Trust Limited and contributory members of the Alstom Pension Scheme Consultative Committee (APSCC). The successful candiates were Peter Bradshaw, Don McKenzie and Richard E Dean. For a full list of Trustee Directors click here.

  • Alstom Pension Scheme Consultative Committee (APSCC)
    The general notice available here was sent to contributory members of the Alstom Pension Scheme on 17th August 2007. Information on the constituencies is also available here. Note that this notice does not apply to Defined Contribution Plan members. The notice is to enable Defined Benefit Section members to nominate themselves for election to the APSCC.

    Click to go back to the news index.
